Thursday, January 10, 2013


Yesterday was the day of carrying luggage, boarding a flight and arrive to a place about 2500 km further north, a place with fog, maybe 3 hours less of sunshine, and 10 degrees less of temperature... I must be crazy...

Maybe I should start a time counter, tracking the days until the next time I will be able to look the Sun in the eye again.

The provisional apartment I'm staying for the first month doesn't know much about personality, neither do the other 6 neighbouring blocks of buildings.

Dropped my luggage and went shopping. Then I got a Swedish SIM card for the phone, 50sek (with  500Mb Internet, not bad at all) now I can browse the web and chat with H. Things suddenly started feeling a bit better.

Then went in town to look for shoes, didn't find any, but found my favourite bakery (St. Jakobs).  Miam miam, had filter coffee and a cinnamon roll, delicious.

I was feeling better, went back to the apartment, cooked some pasta, and fixed the cable TV. Things were feeling comfortable little by little.

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the author

/from sunny Portugal. /traveled around the world. /work is taking me to Malmö.